Meditation and Yoga in Sri Lanka
Retreat, Meditation Center Nilambe, Sri Lanka 2015

The retreat is cancelled
Robert Jordi and Hannes Huber
in English (Meditation Guidance in German if necessery)
Nine days of Buddhist practises, sittings, walkings, and yoga postures emphasising mindfulness and loving kindness (Metta). Talks, instructions, discussions and indiviual interviews will be given by Hannes Huber (in English), and Robert Jordi (in German if necessery).
The cultivation of meditative awareness will provide a foundation of a holistic, healthy and caring daily life.
The retreat is for meditators (new and experienced) who are interested to follow the daily schedule, also as a practise for deepening and opening the very heart in a quiet place in the mountains near Kandy.
Robert Jordi has been practicing calm and insight meditation since 1982 with different teachers, mainly with Godwin Samaratne in Nilambe who inspired him creating the path of compassion. Under
Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra, Mumbai he has studied and practiced classical yoga.
Since 1988 he has been teaching yoga of caring and practice of vipassana bhavana in Switzerland.
Hannes Huber has been practicing Vipassana Meditation since 1985 with Godwin Samararatne, as well as in Burma under the guidance of Ven. Sayadaw U Pandita.
He studied classical Yoga at Yoga Institute, Santacruz, Mumbai. Training in Psychosynthesis with Sascha Dönges, Basel.
Hannes Huber is teaching Vipassana Meditation in Austria, Italy and Eastern Europe.

There will be a flow of sitting and walking meditation throughout the silent Retreat. Apart from interviews and discussions with the teachers the whole retreat is held in complete silence.
In the context of mindfulness practises the Yoga lectures will be guided and performed in a calm and relaxed way. People who are familiar to practise their own individual physical exercises
(thai chi for example) may do so.
The retreat is for meditators (both beginners and experienced) who are interested and willing to fully commit to the retreat format and the daily schedule.
Because of the conditions of the ten days Retreat we are sorry to discourage people to come to the Meditation Center later on than 6th of March.
In respect of the tradition of the Theravada principle the teachers of this Retreat offer their work free of charge. Dana/Donations are given of one`s own free will.
Robert Jordi
Brunnmattstrasse 71
CH - 3007 Bern
Homepage Nilambe: